
The Dogs of Davies and Co

If you’re into furry friends, you’re in for a treat because this whole article is devoted to the dogs of Davies and Co. And while many companies may not see the benefit of writing an entire article on our furries, we're all for it. Team lead approved! So here we go:

... meet the dogs of Davies and Co.


Meet Bella

Mary-Anne’s Bella is our oldest little lady at almost 12 years old. With age comes character, and so Bella balances her sweetness with humans to an abhorrence of other dogs. She is above toys preferring to pass her time guarding her pet chickens and ducks. Bella goes literally everywhere with Mary-Anne and so if you haven’t met her yet, we’re sure you will.

the dogs of davies and co includes bella with 4 photos

Meet Phoebe and Bradley 

Bradley and Phoebe are Brent Woolgar’s 3 and 4-year-old miniature schnauzers. They love lazy days and boat cruises, wearing matching harnesses and going on walks at Meyers Pier. Phoebe is scared of wood floors and Bradley isn’t scared of anything.  They both love all toys.

brents dogs phoebe and bradley with 4 photos


Meet Luke

Luke is Jen’s 6 1/2-year-old cockapoo. He’s obsessed with his bouncy ball and will happily fetch it all day if you let him. He loves to swim as well and will jump out of a boat at the earliest chance if Jen doesn’t keep an eye on him. When he sees a treat, he’ll launch into all of his tricks:  sit, shake both paws, lay down, sit again and then he’ll give a quiet “ruff” to speak for his treat. He’s a smart little boy who has us wrapped around his furry little paw.

the dogs of davies and co includes luke with 4 photos

Meet Moose

Moose is 41 months old because he is a leap-year puppy turning one in February 😉. His monkey toy is his favourite. Indeed, he’s been through 6 of the exact same toy. He hates when people sniff things and loves life in PEC.

moose is a cute dog

Meet Kato

Megan’s dog is Kato and he is 8. He was a rescue so she didn’t pick his name, but we think the name came from Pink Panther or Green Hornet. You pick. His favourite toy is the spikey rubber balls with the squeaker near the cash at PetSmart (the pink ones in particular!) Kato is also bionic because he’s had both knees replaced and has an awful sense of smell.

the dogs of davies and co includes kato with 4 photos


"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."

If you love dogs as much as we do, consider donating to the Belleville and Hastings Humane Society. With just $50, you can feed and shelter a dog for an entire month. 💜




DIRECT: 613-707-4812


Royal LePage ProAlliance Realty, Brokerage - 357 Front Street, Belleville, ON K8N 2Z9 | OFFICE: 613.966.6060

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