So your bags are packed, the playlist’s been made, and you’re about to head out to your long-awaited vacation. But before you hit the road, we’re bringing you 5 key points to help guarantee your home is just the way you left it when you return.
Preparing for a vacation involves more than just packing your bags and booking tickets. We hate to be a downer, but 1 of every 32 homeowners will experience an attempted break-in in their lifetime. That number goes up if your home is a single-family dwelling, or live in a rural area. And with social media, all it takes is the wrong person looking up “#vacation2023” to figure out who’s out of town.
Here are 5 ways you can limit your chances of being burglarized and keep your home safe while on vacation:
Secure Doors, Windows, and Entry Points
Before leaving, double-check that all doors and windows are properly closed and locked. Pay extra attention to areas like basement windows and the garage door. Reinforce weak points with sturdy locks and consider installing a security bar or rod for sliding doors. Most intruders prefer the easiest entry, so intruders often go from house to house to find an unlocked window.
Utilize Timers for Lights
Creating the illusion of an occupied home is a smart way to deter burglars. You can easily get timers on both indoor and outdoor lights to establish a natural rhythm of illumination. Avoid leaving lights on continuously throughout your absence, because not only will your hydro bill go up – but also it’s just as suspicious to have lights on at all hours. Instead, program them to turn on and off at appropriate intervals, simulating the presence of occupants. Here’s an inexpensive option our clients have used.
Safeguard Valuables
Protect your valuable items by securing them in a safety deposit box at your bank or in a home safe. You can purchase a simple one here. Keep curtains or blinds closed to prevent potential intruders from peeking inside.
Trusted Neighbors and Spare Keys
Avoid hiding spare keys on your property, as experienced burglars can easily find them. You might think it’s clever to put your spare key in the flower pot, but burglars don’t. They’ve seen all the tricks. Your best bet is to ask a neighbour to hang on to them and keep an eye on your property. Otherwise, a family member or friend who lives nearby can be a huge help. In addition to holding your key, ask them to periodically check on your home. Plus, with a little incentive, they may also cut your grass, water the plants and collect your mail.
Install Security Cameras
Investing in an alarm system and security cameras in today’s day and age is a no-brainer. You can easily (and cheaply) install a motion detecting app-powered camera such as this one. Or a doorbell camera connected to your smartphone allows you to monitor visitors remotely and receive instant alerts. It’s also pretty easy to install motion-activated lights in strategic outdoor areas to discourage intruders. These visible security measures act as powerful deterrents, to keep potential intruders from targeting your property.
When planning your next vacation, you can’t 100% guarantee your home will be safe from burglars – but there are certainly a lot of steps you can take to greatly reduce the risk. These 5 steps are a great foundation to prevent a break-in.