
The Best Florists in the Quinte, County and Belleville Area

Pretty much everyone loves a good bouquet on Valentine’s Day. So this one's for our clients who may have forgotten to plan ahead and book reservations (oops). You can likely drop by to pick up an already-ready arrangement for the special someone in your life. So here are our favourites of the best florists in Quinte, Prince Edward County and Belleville area

Avondale Flowers
443 Dundas St W, Belleville.

Avondale Flowers & Gifts is a family-run business serving the beautiful city of Belleville for more than 25 years. They curate floral arrangements and planters local flowers and plants for pretty much any occasion. Grab and Go bouquets start at $30.00. You can also order online here.

flower arrangement from avondale flowers
Avondale Flowers and Gifts

Dahlia May Flower Farm 

1226 Stockdale Rd, Trenton

Dahlia May is a little family farm that grows three acres of beautiful, chemical-free flowers. Found in Murray Hills, Trenton, the farm is owned and operated by Melanie Harrington - a life long resident of the Quinte area. The farm has an on-site store selling flowers all year round. Small mason jar-sized bouquets start at $30.00. They also deliver pretty much everywhere around the Belleville and Quinte area. 

Dahlia May Flower Farm Bouquets
Dahlia May Flower Farm Bouquets

Coriander Girl

202 Main Street West, Picton

Coriander Girl is a full-service floral boutique in the heart of Prince Edward County which has everything from same-day flower pick up and delivery, to wedding and event floral design. Their arrangements are inspired by English-style gardens. Alison, the founder of Coriander Girl, grew up in Hastings County. Her latest project is a 15-acre farm in Prince Edward County called the Coriander Country House. Prices begin at $100.00 for a bouquet. 

Coriander Girl Flower Arrangement
Coriander Girl Flower Arrangement


For more articles like these, check out our list of fun things to do with your family this February here.




DIRECT: 613-707-4812


Royal LePage ProAlliance Realty, Brokerage - 357 Front Street, Belleville, ON K8N 2Z9 | OFFICE: 613.966.6060

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